The F90K Gundam F90 Keep Type (aka Gundam F90 K-Type) is a variant of the F90 Gundam F90 introduced in the F90 A to Z PROJECT.
Technology & Combat Characteristics[]
The F90K Gundam F90 Keep Type is one of the many mission packs developed for the F90 Gundam F90 by the Strategic Naval Research Institute, and it specialized in defending bases and motherships. Designed for prolonged combat, the F90 K-Type prioritized improvement in defensive power over firepower. It is equipped with a prototype mega beam shield on the left forearm and three I-field generators are mounted on each shoulder hardpoint, allowing it to block beams and physical projectiles, as well as deflect beams from mega particle cannons. While the F90 K-Type's high defensive power enabled it to protect nearby allied units and bases, it must rely on its allies for offensive capabilities and is said to be a machine premised on team operation.[1]
- 60mm Vulcan Gun
- A pair of shell-firing weapon built into the head. Though not powerful, its high rate of fire meant it was employed to intercept enemy missiles/units, as warning shots, and to destroy lightly armored targets.
- Beam Saber
- The beam saber is the standard close-combat weapon of many mobile suits, it emits a blade of plasma contained by an I-field that can cut through most armor not treated to resist it. The beam saber is powered by a rechargeable energy capacitor, and the F90 K-Type has two beam sabers stored on the backpack.
- Prototype Mega Beam Shield
- Equipped on the left forearm, it deploys a beam barrier capable of nullifying both beam attacks and physical ammunitions from enemy mobile suits and mobile armors. The beam barrier can be widened to cover the entire mobile suit via the four movable shield bits. The mega beam shield is powered by a cable directly connected to the waist generator. While designed only for defense, its cable can be used like a wire trap and the beam barrier is capable of cutting enemy units.
- Beam Rifle
- The beam rifle is the standard ranged weapon of most mobile suits, it fires a compressed mega particle beam which can penetrate most physical armor not treated to resist it. The F90's beam rifle is powered by a replaceable E-pack located at the weapon's rear.
- Mega Beam Bazooka
- A handheld anti-fortress weapon, this is the same armament as used by the F90A Gundam F90 Assault Type. It is powered by an E-Pac at the rear.
Special Equipment & Features[]
- I-Field Generator
- When Minovsky particles are released into the air or into open space, the positive and negative particles spontaneously align themselves into a three-dimensional cubic lattice. Due to the repulsive and electrostatic forces between the Minovsky particles, this lattice functions as a kind of a force field, which is referred to as an I-field. When activated, the I-field forms an invisible barrier around the mobile weapon, protecting it from incoming beam attacks. However, this barrier has no effect against solid objects like missiles and projectiles, and beam weapons can still be used at point blank range within the barrier's boundary. The F90 K-Type is equipped with three I-field generators on each shoulder to deflect beams from mega particle cannons.
Notes & Trivia[]
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