The F90B Gundam F90 Bombard Type (aka Gundam F90 B-Type) is a variant of the F90 Gundam F90 introdued in the F90 A to Z PROJECT.
Technology & Combat Characteristics[]
The F90B Gundam F90 Bombard Type, or F90 B-Type for short, is one of the many mission packs developed for the F90 Gundam F90 by the Strategic Naval Research Institute. It is a heavy bombardment mission pack designed for concentrated and intensive bombing and artillery attack on enemy base. Armed with multiple ranged weaponry throughout its body, it can single-handedly decimate an entire base quickly by using all these weapons simultaneously. Although this mission pack significantly increases the Gundam F90's weight, the movable vernier thrusters installed in the backpack successfully minimizes the decrease in mobility and maneuverability.[1]
- 60mm Vulcan Gun
- A pair of shell-firing weapon built into the head. Though not powerful, its high rate of fire meant it was employed to intercept enemy missiles/units, as warning shots, and to destroy lightly armored targets.
- Cannon
- Two large cannons are equipped on the backpack. They are able to adjust their firing angle in order to attack enemies both in front of and above the mobile suit.
- Arm Grenade Launcher
- A large grenade launcher holding five grenades is mounted on each forearm hardpoint.
- Shoulder Missile Container & Leg Missile Container
- Two missile containers each equipped with three large missiles are mounted on the shoulder hardpoints. Another pair are mounted on the leg hardpoints.
- Beam Rifle
- The same handheld beam firearm as used by the normal F90, it is powered by a replaceable E-pack located at the weapon's rear. Spare E-packs can be carried on the side skirt's hardpoints, and the beam rifle itself can be stored on the rear skirt's weapon rack
Simulation Battle[]
In U.C 0112, the F90 Gundam F90 Unit 2 equipped with the B-Type mission pack was piloted by Liv Angelika, during a simulator mission of Battle of A Baoa Qu. After destroying a Musai-class and several mobile suits near it, the F90 B-Type was ambushed by a MSN-02 Zeong. Fortunately, Liv was able to avoid the Zeong's beam barrage relatively easily. He eventually destroyed the Zeong using a close-range attack, with the F90 B-Type suffering some damages in the process. Unknown to Liv, his piloting data was secretly recorded and watched in real time by Job John, who was searching for a Newtype candidate.[2]
Hunting for Space Pirates[]
In U.C. 0115, the Gundam F90 Unit 2 was assigned to the Space Ark-class Fairlady, and equipped with parts from both B-Type and N-Type mission packs, becoming the Gundam F90 NB-Type. Piloted by Dir Rider, this unit participated in the Earth Federation Forces' Fastest Formula (FF) Corps' operation to mop-up Space Pirates. During the battle, the F90 NB-Type fired a barrage and destroyed the Space Pirates' customized Salamis Kai-class ship and several mobile suits.[3]
Mobile Suit Gundam F90: Fastest Formula[]
Notes & Trivia[]
- F90 B-Type's weapon configuration looks oddly similar to VF-31 Armored Siegfried from Macross Franchise.
- ↑ Profile on Official Website (Japanese)
- ↑ Mobile Suit Gundam F90: Fastest Formula, Chapter 8
- ↑ Mobile Suit Gundam F90: Fastest Formula, Vol 5, Chapter 19, Page 166-170
External links[]