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Emily Asuno (エミリー・アモンド・アスノ Emirī Asuno?) (née Amonde) is a character that appears in Mobile Suit Gundam AGE.

Personality & Character[]

She shows great concern and caring for Flit, often relating it back to the fact that the two of them are childhood friends and that she is closest to him. Her caring extends to the point that she willingly ignored common sense, military orders for civilians to evacuate, and her own general safety to reach the ship Diva and follow after him.

She is torn between understanding Flit's passion for developing Gundams to overthrow the UE, and her true feelings of not wanting him to participate in the battle. When Flit tells her about his decision to become a soldier and put himself in the battlefield, her desire to keep him away from the battle becomes stronger, and she plans to work with the people around Flit to keep him away from the battle. On the other hand, she is also a person of action, as she tries to rescue Flit from Zalam's custody in Fardain, even if she has to do it by herself.


First Generation (A.G. 115)[]

Emily was raised in Nora where she befriended Flit and Dique Gunhale. She often looked out for Flit, going to wake him up in the mornings. She was one of the few who took Flit seriously when he talked about the UE, and is together with him when they finally attacked Nora. She heads to the hangar with him and watched as he operates the Gundam for the first time.[1]

As the UE attack the colony from the outside, Emily reunited with Dique and the pair make their way to Flit, but he heads for the Diva in the Gundam. This annoys her and instead of evacuating to the elevators, she instead opts to go after Flit. Emily and Dique reach the base but find it locked. They run into Dian Fonroid, who tells them to leave. They take advantage of Dian's entry into the base and sneak in. The pair overhear Dian's plan to abandon the people and leave Nora in the Diva, then witness Grodek Ainoa's insubordination towards his superior officer. They then head to the Diva and board the battleship, reuniting with Vargas. The Diva departs, and the trio head to the AGE System so that Vargas can use it to support Flit while he engages the UE in battle.[2] She finally reunites with Flit when he returns to the Diva.[3]

After the battle, Emily is usually seen with Flit and Dique. She remains wary of Grodek and becomes increasingly perturbed by Flit, who begins to act more and more like a soldier. When Woolf Enneacle claims the Gundam as his own and challenges Flit for it, Emily accepts on Flit's behalf, hoping that if he loses the Gundam then he will no longer act like a soldier. She watches their battle, becoming irritated with Vargas when he advises Flit. When the UE become involved, she becomes worried. He safely returns, but she only becomes more worried when it sinks in that his life was in serious danger.[4]

Emily continues to worry about Flit, and resolves to stop him after she overhears his conversation with Woolf where he declares that he will continue to fight rather than get off at Tordia. Soon afterwards, she notices Grodek acting suspiciously and notices error signals in the room where he left from. She suspects him after finding out that there is an issue with the ship's communication system. The Diva soon lands in Fardain, but Emily returns to the ship soon after checking out the airport. She notices another commotion with Grodek and confronts him firectly. He tells her the truth about how he usurped command of the ship, and accepts that it was necessary for him to do so. However, she tells him he is like a different person compared to what he was like in Nora and doesn't like how he lies to everyone. She is shocked when he tells her his plan to attack the UE without the Federation and how he wants Flit and the Gundam to take part, calling Grodek selfish. She returns to her room and cries. She later watches Flit as he thinks about how to get even stronger, and laments how he is getting further and further away from her.[5]

Emily later approaches Flit with tickets to Tordia. He tells her he isn't going and she runs off, upset. He chases her into the city and Haro finds her. He walks up to her, but a battle soon begins between mobile suits. All the building raise their protective shutters and the pair are faced with nowhere to hide. A man beckons them underground and they follow him. The man introduces himself as Iwark Briar, and he tells them about the situation in Fardain. They meet his daughter, Riria, on the way to his home. Emily is taken aback at seeing such a young child gathering scraps just to earn money for food. They join Iwark at his home and he tells them about Zalam and Euba and how the Colony Nation Wars are still ongoing in Fardain. During their conversation, the two factions begin battle once again and Iwark realizes Riria is missing. Fearing she went overground, he heads to the surface with Flit and Emily in his Desperado. They find Riria who falls unconscious after an explosion goes off nearby. Iwark attacks the Zalam and Euba forces in his construction mobile suit, and Flit fears the worst. Emily looks after Riria while Flit joins the battle and fights in place of Iwark, and watches helplessly when the Zalam forces take him into custody.[6]

Emily treats Riria at Iwark's house. She decides to head to the Zalam mansion and help Flit, ignoring Vargas' protests. He eventually relents and they go together. They find Riria after she sneaks onboard, and they are soon joined by other children from Fardain. Along with the other children, she yells at Zalam from outside the mansion. However, Euba soon attack and they are caught in the middle of their conflict. They escape with Flit's help, but he has to chase after them and save them again after the UE attack.[7] Aboard the Diva, she watches as Flit equips the new Titus parts and his subsequent battles against the UE.[8]

After the battle, she listens to Woolf boasting about his new G-Exes with the others. When Woolf gets a call from Mukured Madorna and heads to the Madorna workshop, she joins him with Flit and Dique. As the boys get heated about mobile suit designs, she speaks with Laraparly Madorna. She flees with the others when the Zafran suddenly awakens and attacks, and tensely watches Flit trying to fight it. She is relieved when he makes it out unharmed. Laraparly notices her love for Flit, and Emily tells her how she wants to stop him. Laraparly tells her that she shouldn't try to stop him and that if she really wants to be with him, she should risk everything to be with him. Emily then returns to the Diva and listens as Grodek reveals everything. She back Grodek up, revealing what Dian had said on the day Nora fell and how he would have left everyone to die. She now agrees with Grodek's decision.[9] Emily resolves to join the crew as they head to Ambat rather than getting off at Tordia.[2]

As the Diva approaches Minsry, Emily notices Flit holding Yurin's ribbon. She spends the two weeks of preparation away from Flit who goes with Grodek and the others to the Birmings Mansion. While on the ship, she watches as Vargas attempts to upgrade the Diva using the AGE System. When he complains about how there is insufficient time to work on the modifications, she contacts Mukured who comes onboard the Diva to assist.[3]

While the Diva is en-route to Ambat, she speaks with Millais Alloy. Emily tells her that she is afraid, but has made up her mind to support Flit. Millais comforts her and also tells her to just confess to him. She later watches Flit launch as he heads into battle.[10] Emily treats Largan when he returns to the Diva to service his mobile suit, and he reassures her that Flit will be fine. However, her worry renews itself after Flit returns to the ship and doesn't speak with anyone.[11] She watches the destruction of Ambat as the Grodek Faction emerges victorious. When she goes to find Flit, she overhears him mourning Yurin's death and vowing to destroy the UE.[12]

2nd Generation (A.G. 141)[]

She is 39 to 40 years old. She marries Flit and her name becomes "Emily Asuno", and she becomes the mother of Asemu and Unoa. It is said that Asemu's birth was quite difficult, and that she finally gave birth to Asemu after enduring terrible labor pains for 24 hours with Flit supporting her. In the second part of the novel version, it is said that she has become an excellent computer technician, along with Flit.

In Part 3, she is 63 years old. She becomes Kio's grandmother. When Olivernotes is invaded by Vagans, she and Romary evacuate to a neighboring town. In the third part of the novel version, before the attack on Olivernotes, she and Romary went up into space on business and escaped danger. In Part 4 of the novel version, it is revealed that the reason she went into space before the attack on Olivernotes was to "develop a Gundam that can handle X-Rounders". She and Romary met with Unoa. They also made a spare AGE Builder.


Flit Asuno[]

Emily had feelings for Flit from the start. Although she didn't want to see him fight, she understood after observing him for so long that if he didn't then he would never be able to let go of his past.[1] Though she did try at one point to distance him from battle,[4] she instead decided to support him[10] following her conversation with Lalaparly.[9]






Illustration and Artwork[]

Sketches and Design[]

Notes & Trivia[]


Advanced Generation Characters
Earth Federation Forces

Flit Asuno | Emily Asuno | Dique Gunhale | Vargas Dyson | Grodek Ainoa | Millais Alloy | Adams Tinel | Largan Drace | Hendrick Bruzar | Woolf Enneacle | Dian Fonroid | Edward Ottawa | Onnette Corey | Haro | Walt Bedd | Iino Resin | Stoller Guavaran | Arisa Gunhale | Max Hartway | Obright Lorain | Frederick Algreus | Asemu Asuno | Romary Stone | Alan Lightney | Irissya Murai | Wilna Janisty | Elle Tonys | Odio Bran | Remi Ruth | Froi Olfenoa | Natora Einus | Wootbit Gunhale | Jonathan Gistab | Seric Abis | Derek Jackrow | Shanalua Mullen | Andy Drames | Ally Rein | Ethan Shello | Ayla Rose | Wong Kastrova | Carl Dawson | Otro Banda | Girard Fornell

Asuno Family

Flit Asuno | Asemu Asuno | Kio Asuno | Emily Asuno | Marina Asuno | Unoa Asuno | Romary Asuno

Madorna Workshop

Mukured Madorna | Laraparly Madorna | Rody Madorna

Zalam-Euba Alliance

Ract Elfamel | Don Boyage

Vagan/Unknown Enemy (UE)

Fezarl Ezelcant | Dorene Ezelcant | Desil Galette | Geera Zoi | Arabel Zoi | Zeheart Galette | Medel Zant | Daz Roden | Dole Frost | Gren Raize | Mink Leiden | Zel Brant | Ressy Adnell | Leo Louis | Zafar Rogue | Ned Kahn | Igor Ehans | Zanald Beihart | Godom Tyneham | Glat Otto | Deymon Large | Fram Nara | Leil Light | Darrest Goon | Marie Mace | Dallas Regin | Deen Anon | Ale Zangi | Aaron Simmons | Girard Spriggan | Falk Ocramud | Zera Gins

Treasure Star

Daiki Ryuuzaki | Ryuji Ryuuzaki | Sirius | Kotetsu Sakai | Wezen | Mirzam | Flud | Lhuga

Zulu Pirates

Barrel Zulu | Makoto Zulu | Miyuki Zulu


Captain Ash | Wivik Lambro | Captain Angrazzo | Jazooey Breeze | Giml Manning | Dam Bradey | Raddock Horn


Reuna Inertia | Edler Inertia


Yurin L'Ciel | Iwark Briar | Riria | Alzack Birmings | Shawee Belton | Macil Boyd | Rod Abus | Farbie Delstoy | Hans Rouge | Josse Maris | Wendy Hertz | Revels Lamond | Cain Royce | Rosie Milieu | Taku | Yu | Lucca | Lu Anon | Romy Ezelcant | Umeko | Takumi
