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The Earthquake Naga Gundam was introduced in the New Mobile Report Gundam Wing Perfect Album.

Combat Characteristics[]

A unique desert combat variant of the XXXG-01SR Gundam Sandrock modeled after the mythical serpentine Nāga. This version replaces the lower half of the body with a serpentine tail attachment, granting the Earthquake Naga increased mobility over desert sands which would otherwise hamper the movement of legged mobile weapons. The variable mobile weapon could also transform into an airborne attack mode in which it had the appearance of a winged serpent by expanding its variable-sweep wings on its back and mounting the deadly Magnum Cross Crusher over its head.

Its new offensive weapons included a Magnum Cross Crusher attached to its left arm, a Heat Axe with power output comparable to a Beam Scythe and six tail-like antennae capable of delivering high-voltage electric shocks.

External links[]


Gundam W Perfect Album Mechanics
G Team
Mobile Weapon
Gundam Deathscythe's variations
XXXG-01DB Gundam Crazy Beast | XXXG-01DC Gundam Nightmare Centaur | XXXG-01DF Gundam Dark Angel | XXXG-01DS Gundam Mad Tarantula
Gundam Heavyarms's variations
Gundam Sky-High Arms | Gundam Super-Armed Tank
Gundam Sandrock's variations
Earthquake Naga Gundam | Thunder Griffon Gundam
Shenlong Gundam's variations
Catastrophe D | XXXG-01SB Blizzard Gundam | XXXG-01SD Twin-Headed Lizard Gundam | XXXG-01SS Shooting Star Shenlong | XXXG-01ST Aqua Shenlong