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The EB-06rs Graze Ritter Commander Type is a mobile suit introduced in the Mobile Suit Gundam IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS anime.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

A commander-use version of the EB-06r Graze Ritter, it is first used by Carta Issue, the commander of Gjallarhorn's Outer Earth Orbit Regulatory Joint Fleet. The main differences between the Graze Ritter Commander Type and the standard Graze Ritter includes larger head crest, slightly different chest armor, longer shoulder side armor with higher output round thrusters, and red highlights on the head and shoulder armor instead of white.[1] These changes in its look made it more representative of Gjallarhorn's peacekeeping philosophy than the standard machine.[2]

Although the suit is only seen in its ground configuration in the anime, it can also be configured for space use.[2] The space configuration uses the same thigh armor and back-mounted booster units as the standard Graze, while the ground configuration has different thigh armor equipped with hover units on the sides that are also used by the Graze Ground Type.[2] Like the standard Graze Ritter, the Graze Ritter Commander Type uses a Knight Blade as its main close combat weaponry, but can also be equipped with the Battle Axe when required.[2]

A blue variant of the suit with yellow highlights is later used by McGillis Fareed when he became the commander of the Outer Earth Orbit Regulatory Joint Fleet.[3] Besides the change in color scheme, the suit's appearance remain unchanged. However, its characteristics have been comprehensively reviewed. Particularly, its ground-based combat data was recalculated, and as a result, its mobility under Earth's gravity was maximized.[3] Additionally, McGillis's unit dual-wields the Knight Blades in combat, similar to how he piloted his previous machine.[4]


  • GR-W01 120mm Rifle
The same shooting armanent as used by the standard Graze. High accuracy, high utility value as the main ranged or support weapon.
  • Short Rifle
The 120mm Rifle can be configured into a short rifle by replacing the sensor equipped standard barrel with a short barrel. The short rifle has lower range and accuracy, but it is ideal for close combat-use in conjunction with the Battle Axe.
  • GR-Hr01 Knight Blade
A sword developed specifically for the Graze Ritter, it is the suit's primary close combat weapon and stored on the side of the waist when not in use. As the suit itself is also used for ceremonies, the Knight Blade adopts a more stylish look to meet this need.[2] While Carta Issue's unit and other Graze Ritter uses a single Knight Blade, McGillis Fareed's unit dual-wields a pair of them.[4]
  • GR-H01 9.8m Battle Axe
The Graze Ritter can also be equipped with the Battle Axe used by the standard Graze when necessary.[2] It is stored on the side of the waist when not in use.
  • Halberd
Wielded by the machine piloted by Lond Bron (a Gjallarhorn officer who served the Issue family)[5], it is the same weapon as used by the EB-06Q Graze Schild. The Halberd resembles the standard Graze's 9.8m Battle Axe with a spear-like tip and a longer handle.

Special Equipment & Features[]

  • Head Sphere Sensor
A spherical sensor is mounted inside the head, it is revealed during optical long-distance viewing and precise measurement.
  • Glider (For Mobile Suit)
Shaped like a large shield, it is used to protect the Graze Ritter Commander Type from the intense heat when entering Earth's atmosphere from space.[6][7] Due to its toughness, it also protects the suit from ground-based attacks while landing.[6][8]
  • Booster Unit
When operating in space, the Graze Ritter Commander Type uses the same back-mounted booster unit as the normal Graze for high-speed movements.







Notes & Trivia[]

  • Ritter means "knight" in German.


  1. 'Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans Mechanics & World' Book
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 High Grade 1/144 EB-06rs Carta's Graze Ritter model kit manual
  3. 3.0 3.1 Official Web Profile| Link
  4. 4.0 4.1 Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans episode 32
  5. Mobile Suit Gundam IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS Urdr-Hunt Episode 9 Horn and Flower's Shadow
  6. 6.0 6.1 Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans episode 21
  7. 'Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans Mechanics & World' Book
  8. Associated Bandai Visual Website

Mobile Suit Gundam IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS Season 1 Mechanics
CGS / Tekkadan / Teiwaz
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos | ASW-G-11 Gundam Gusion Rebake | EB-06/tc Graze Custom | EB-06/tc2 Ryusei-Go | STH-05 Hyakuren | STH-05/AC Amida's Hyakuren | STH-05R Rouei | STH-14s Hyakuri
Mobile Worker
TK-53 CGS Mobile Worker | TK-53/c CGS Mobile Worker Commander Type | TK-53/s CGS Mobile Worker Space Type | TK-53 Tekkadan New Mobile Worker | Union New Model Mobile Worker

JEE-M103 Kutan Type-III
Transporter / Supply Ship
Shuttle | Small Container Ship
Cruiser / Mothership
Brewers Ship | NOA-0093 Isaribi | Saisei | TIR-0009 Hammerhead
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
ASW-G-66 Gundam Kimaris | ASW-G-66 Gundam Kimaris Trooper | EB-05s Schwalbe Graze | EB-06 Graze | EB-06j Graze Ground Type | EB-06r Graze Ritter | EB-06rs Graze Ritter Commander Type | EB-06s Graze Commander Type | EB-AX2 Graze Ein
Mobile Worker
NK-17 Gjallarhorn Mobile Worker

Cruiser / Mothership
Biscoe-class | Halfbeak-class
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
ASW-G-11 Gundam Gusion | UGY-R41 Man Rodi

Cruiser / Mothership
Brewers Ship
Dort Colonies
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
UGY-R38 Spinner Rodi
Mobile Worker
UW-33 Union Mobile Worker

Transporter / Supply Ship
Small Container Ship
Montag Company
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
V08-1228 Grimgerde

Mobile Suit Gundam IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS Season 2 Mechanics
Tekkadan / Teiwaz
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos Lupus | ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex | ASW-G-11 Gundam Gusion Rebake Full City | ASW-G-64 Gundam Flauros (Ryusei-Go) | IPP-66305 Hugo | STH-05 Hyakuren | STH-05/AC Amida's Hyakuren | STH-05R Rouei | STH-14s Hyakuri | STH-16 Shiden | STH-16/tc Shiden Custom | STH-16/tc2 Orga's Shiden | STH-20 Hekija | UGY-R41 Landman Rodi
Mobile Worker
TK-56 Tekkadan Mobile Worker

Transporter / Supply Ship
Container Ship
Cruiser / Mothership
NOA-0093 Isaribi | NOA-0132 Hotarubi | Saisei | TIR-0009 Hammerhead | TIR-0102 Golden Jasley
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AEB-06L Hloekk Graze | ASW-G-01 Gundam Bael | ASW-G-66 Gundam Kimaris Vidar | ASW-G-XX Gundam Vidar | EB-05s Schwalbe Graze | EB-06 Graze | EB-06j Graze Ground Type | EB-06Q Graze Schild | EB-06r Graze Ritter | EB-06rs Graze Ritter Commander Type | EB-06s Graze Commander Type | EB-08 Reginlaze | EB-08jjc Reginlaze Julia | EB-08s Iok's Reginlaze | V08Re-0526 Helmwige Reincar
Mobile Worker
NK-17 Gjallarhorn Mobile Worker

Cruiser / Mothership
Biscoe-class | Halfbeak-class | Skipjack-class
Dawn Horizon Corps
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
IPP-66305 Hugo | UGY-R45 Garm Rodi
Mobile Worker
HD-21 HD Mobile Worker

Cruiser / Mothership
Dawn Horizon Ship
Mobile Suit
AEB-06L Hloekk Graze | EB-04 Geirail | EB-04jc4 Geirail Scharfrichter
Mobile Worker
Union New Model Mobile Worker
Mobile Suit
IPP-0032S Gilda SAU
Mobile Worker
SAU-17 SAU Mobile Worker
Oceanian Federation
Mobile Suit
IPP-0032 Gilda
Mobile Suit
UGY-R38 Spinner Rodi
Mobile Armor
Hashmal | Hashmal's Pluma

Mobile Suit Gundam IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS Urdr-Hunt Mechanics
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AEB-06L Hloekk Graze | ASW-G-35 Gundam Marchosias | ASW-G-61 Gundam Zagan | EB-06 Graze | EB-06s Graze Commander Type | EB-06rs Graze Ritter Commander Type | EB-08 Reginlaze
Mobile Worker
NK-17 Gjallarhorn Mobile Worker

Cruiser / Mothership
Halfbeak-class | Skipjack-class
Omden Colony Company
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
EB-05c Schwalbe Custom | IPP-18875 Enzo | UGY-R38 Spinner Rodi
Zahn Clan
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AEB-06L Hloekk Graze | EB-04/icgs Geirail GS | EB-04/rcgp Geirail GP | Gilda Python | IPP-0032S Gilda SAU
Dawn Horizon Corps
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
IPP-66305 Hugo | UGY-R45 Garm Rodi
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
UGY-R266C Monkey Rodi | UGY-R267MM Monkey Crab Rodi
Rakou Pirates
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
Hakugo | STH-1507 Hakugo Commander Type
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
ASW-G-32 Gundam Asmoday | Gundam Hajiroboshi
Mobile Armor
Harael | Harael's Pluma | Mebahiah