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The Argama blows a hole in one of the colony mirrors, and the three Rick Diases move forward. They position themselves in front of the colony wall and one of them fires, blowing a hole in it. Suddenly, Quattro is overtaken by a strange sensation and begins to hear heavy breathing. He wonders again if it's Amuro Ray or Lalah Sune, but then realizes that it is neither. It is coming from an unknown source.

Kamille has been running nonstop through the woods in an attempt to get back to the Gundam Mk-II's. He arrives just in time to see one lift the other off of the crushed building and grumbles that he'll make the soldiers pay for what they've done. Elsewhere, Quattro and his wingmen have entered the colony and are going to attempt to capture one of the Gundam Mk-II's.

Back at the base, the disabled Mk-II has been loaded onto a flatbed truck. A warning siren goes off, and the other Mk-II flies away in response. Jerid climbs down off of the flatbed to meet Emma, who has just pulled up in a Jeep. She chews him out for causing the accident, telling him that it was due to his reckless flying. He more or less blows her off by offering some flimsy excuses, and then says that he doesn't have to answer to her anyway, as she's not his superior. Just then, Bright Noa arrives, demanding to know why Jerid and Emma haven't yet responded to the siren going off. Jerid figures that all the commotion is probably over something minor, but Emma wonders if it could be AEUG-related. Jerid then hails a jeep and jumps in, driving off and yelling back over his shoulder that he's going to prepare for an attack. Emma hollers back that they don't actually know if it is.

Quattro and his wingmen are flying through the colony looking for the Mk-II when they are spotted. They come under attack from four GM's, which causes Quattro to grumble about the Earth Federation not understanding that colonies are more fragile than the Earth. Quattro, for his part, is concerned about damaging the colony himself, but at the same time hopes to capture a Mk-II for the AEUG. The Rick Diases quickly lay waste to the GM's.

Over on Green Noa 2, Bask Om is watching the proceedings and musing that it looks like the Red Comet is there, despite the fact that he doesn't think that's possible. Franklin Bidan is standing nearby and wonders if the Rick Dias is a new model. He is informed by Jamaican Daninghan that it is not a Federation suit and therefore must belong to the AEUG. Both Bask and Jamaican quickly surmise that the AEUG must've sent operatives out to gather data on the Mk-II. Franklin rather cavalierly replies that they can have the data if they want it, which displeases Bask. Bask declares that since the AEUG operatives have seen the facilities on Green Noa 1, they cannot be allowed to escape. He boards a shuttle for Green Noa 1 right away.

Back on Green Noa 1, the Rick Diases are in a heated skirmish with more GM's. Although the GM's try, they are older suits and simply cannot keep up with the slick maneuverability of the Rick Diases. They fly low to the ground as they buzz the area. In the residential area, chaos reigns as Fa arrives in a small electric car to pick up her mother and head for evacuation. As they drive, Fa's mom grumbles about why the colony would be attacked. Fa points out that a lot of Spacenoids really resent the Titans, who have established a base on the colony. Just then, they pass Kamille's house. Fa stops the car and insists on going in, telling her mom to go on ahead and that she would catch up. Fa's mom protests.

Elsewhere, Kamille is looking for a way to sneak onto the base. He finds an unlocked gate and runs through, but doesn't get very far before he is halted by soldiers. One of the soldiers recognizes him as Franklin Bidan's son and they decide to let him go, despite the fact that he was a wanted man earlier that day. Kamille runs onto the base.

Quattro and his wingmen finally intercept a Mk-II and begin to engage it in battle. Quattro states that he wants the robot in mint condition. The pilot of the Mk-II is none other than Kacricon Cacooler, who flies his Mk-II back toward the base with the Rick Diases in hot pursuit. Down below, Bright runs across the tarmac demanding to know if Mk-II Unit 3 is ready and who is to fly it. Emma approaches him and says that she is to pilot the suit. Bright is surprised, as he had thought that Emma was still in training. However, before Emma gets a chance to climb aboard, Kamille flashes past her and ascends the flatbed to the Gundam. Just then, a Jeep pulls up and Matosh climbs out, demanding to know why Unit 3 hasn't been launched yet. Kamille recognizes him as the man who gave him grief earlier. Bright and Emma watch in shock as Kamille drops into the cockpit of the Mk-II. Emma attempts to speak to him, but he closes the door in her face. She wonders how he is able to operate the suit, as he has presumably never had training.

Inside the cockpit, Kamille looks over all the levers and switches, musing that the data he stole from his dad's computer would finally come in handy. He decides that he's going to go after the guy who beat him up. Outside, Bright and Emma are hollering at Kamille to get out of the Mk-II, but to no avail. The Gundam begins to move. Bright runs out of the hangar and borrows the microphone on a nearby jeep, demanding that the Mk-II stand down. Matosh demands that Bright hurry up and send Unit 3 into battle, unaware of who is in the cockpit. Kamille gets the Gundam to sit up, which shocks Bright and Emma. He also addresses them by name, which further surprises them as they have never met him before.

Kamille continues to get the Gundam to stand up, punching a hole through the ceiling of the hangar in the process. Bright watches, awestruck, and wonders if he might be like Amuro Ray. Just then, Unit 2 lands on the tarmac along with Quattro's Rick Diases, which hold him at gunpoint. Apolly notices Unit 3 and points it out to Quattro, who is surprised to see another Mk-II. Kamille notices the red Rick Dias and wonders if it belongs to the Red Comet. The Rick Diases decide to take Unit 2 with them. Kacricon is unaware of what's transpired on the base and thinks that Jerid is in Unit 3. He pleads with Jerid to do something to prevent the capture of his unit, but to no avail.

Kamille remembers that Matosh is there, and decides to use the Mk-II to exact retribution for the interrogation he received earlier. He launches the Gundam into the air, surprising everyone, and lands it practically on top of the terrified MP. He then proceeds to strafe the ground with some bullets and laugh like a maniac. Quattro wonders what's going on while Bright wonders if Kamille's gone mad. Quattro realizes that Unit 2 is not their enemy, and seizes the opportunity to pick up two units instead of just one. Kamille proves that he is on the same side as the Rick Diases by smashing Kacricon's Mk-II into the remains of the building and threatening to further crush the cockpit if he does not voluntarily leave. In this way, he enables the AEUG to capture Unit 2. Bright thinks Kamille may be a newtype.

In the residential zone, the battle rages on. Fa enters Kamille's house and goes up into his bedroom. She looks over his posessions and wonders what to grab, musing that none of his awards seem that important now. Suddenly, her reverie is interrupted by the hand of Roberto's Rick Dias smashing through the wall. Fa runs outside, only to narrowly miss getting stepped on by a GM, which has ass-planted onto Kamille's house. Quattro meets back up with Roberto while Fa runs down the street, hands over her head.

The Rick Dias team begins to leave the colony with their stolen Mk-II's. As Kamille passes over his neighborhood, he ruefully notices that his house has been destroyed and is surprised to see Fa running down the street. Quattro asks if he's still coming with them, and Kamille says yes. Elsewhere, Bright and Emma report to Bask Om in the middle of Kacricon's sob story. Bright addresses Bask and wants to know why the Mk-II training was carried out on Green Noa 1, as training could've been carried out on Green Noa 2 without civilian casualties. He is answered with a punch in the face. Bask declares that the Titans forces are different from regular Federation Forces. Bright says that's not so. He also says that if the Titans keep antagonizing people, they'll be doing the AEUG's work for them. His response is a beating.

Quattro and his team are attempting to exit the colony through the same hole that they came in by. Quattro shoots some sticky substance to partially seal the hole, narrowing the escape clearance even more. Each suit must proceed through the hole one at a time, and the other pilots worry about Unit 3. However, he makes it through. The Titans, of course, are hot on their heels. Jerid is leading the pursuit in a Hizack but doesn't get very far before the leg of his MS is shot off by Quattro. Jerid is astonished that Quattro was able to hit him with his very first shot. Meanwhile, Apolly fires some signal flares, inviting a barrage of laser beams from the Argama to obliterate any enemies in pursuit and cover the Rick Dias team's escape. Kamille's suit is grazed, and he mends the leak by tearing off a piece of his shirt and letting the fabric seal the crack by suction. He then settles in for the flight to the Argama.

Important Events

Characters Introduced: Emma Sheen, Bright Noa, Bask Om, Franklin Bidan, Jamaican Daningham.
Mecha Introduced: Hizack, GM
Ships Seen For the First Time:
