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The DTM-7200 Daughseat III is a Mobile Suit in the series After War Gundam X.

Technology and Combat Characteristics

A variation of the DTM-7000 Daughseat, the Daughseat III features the same armament as the original unit but has an additional pair of beam guns mounted on its hands. Like its predecessor, the new unit features a set of extending arms which are however longer than the arms of the original Daughseat.


  • Torpedo Launcher
  • Beam gun

Special Equipment & Features

  • D-Navi Radar System


Like the original Daughseat, the improved Daughseat III was built by the United Nation Earth forces to serve in their amphibious assault forces so that they can maintain control of the seas during the various space wars. After the colony drops that ended the 7th Space War and initiated the After War era a number of these machines survived and are put into service by various civilian groups such as Orcs and Sea Vultures.

Some units survived for as long as AW 0024, being maintained by a Vulture captained by Rosa the Second.

External Links

Template:After War Mobile Units
