Cuaran (クワラン?) is a fictional character from the Mobile Suit Gundam anime series. He is the progagonist in the Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Hardgraph: IRON MUSTANG manga series.
Mobile Suit Gundam[]
Cuaran is one of a number of Principality of Zeon soldiers stationed at a remote base. When the White Base nears the base, Cuaran comes up with a plan to destroy the RX-78-2 Gundam by placing bombs on it. Taking part in his plan are several other Zeon soldiers including Giyal and Sol. Cuaran's team is successful in attaching a half dozen bombs on the Gundam, but watch as Amuro Ray is able to remove all of them. Impressed, the soldiers drive by in civilian clothes and wish Amuro and the other White Base crew good luck.
Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Hardgraph: IRON MUSTANG[]
After the 908th Mobile Reconnaissance Company's unsuccessful attempt to destroy the Federation's mobile suit, Cuaran was called into what he thought was an interrogation, where he proceeded to take responsibility for his team's actions. However, it was not an interrogation at all, but a means to gather information in order to create a report on the incident that would ultimately be used in the creation of a tactical plan, as it seemed HQ was very keen on putting an operation along similar lines into action in the future. Afterwards, Cuaran was informed by Giyal that Zeon was abandoning their base and that they would be relocating to Odessa, where they would be reorganised when they arrived.