The Cruel Gundam is a Gunpla from the anime series Gundam Build Fighters Try. It is controlled by Saga Adou.
Technology & Combat Characteristics[]
A Gunpla created by Saga Adou based on the OZ-15AGX Hydra Gundam. He added parts from other Gunpla to suit his battle style. With the addition of the Beam Scissors and Active Cloak from the XXXG-01D2 Gundam Deathscythe Hell (EW Ver.), the Dragon Fangs from the XXXG-01S2 Altron Gundam (EW Ver.), and the GN Fangs from "Mobile Suit Gundam 00", it can deal with enemy machines from any distance. Its torso is covered by a cloak resembling the one worn by the XXXG-01SR2 Gundam Sandrock Custom (EW Ver.), thus the actual appearance of the machine is unknown.
- Shoulder Claw
- The same shoulder-mounted weapon as used by Hydra Gundam, the pair of claws are deployed via foldable mounting arms. They are also used for ranged attacks as a beam cannon is built into the center of each claw, and can be launched as wire-guided weapons that can alter their attack positions due to the small verniers installed.
- Dragon Fang
- The same extendable forearm-mounted weapon as used by Altron Gundam (EW Ver.), the pair of Dragon Fangs are used as grappling pincers or shields. The Cruel Gundam uses the Dragon Fangs together with the Shoulder Claws to tear apart captured opponent.
- GN Fang
- The same weapon as used by GNW-002 Gundam Throne Zwei and GNW-20000 Arche Gundam, the GN Fangs are small, winged remote bits with a beam emitter each that can fire beam shots or emit a short beam blade. Cruel Gundam was observed using four GN Fangs at once, though the exact number it holds and where they are stored are unknown.
- Beam Scissors
- A close combat beam weapon of the Gundam Deathscythe Hell (EW Ver.) that emits a sickle-shaped beam blade.
Special Equipment & Features[]
- Active Cloak
- The special armor of the Gundam Deathscythe Hell (EW Ver.), it is equipped on the back of the waist.
Two years before the events of Gundam Build Fighters Try, Adou used the Cruel Gundam to challenge Yuuma Kousaka ahead of the regional qualifiers. Yuuma's Gundam Airmaster Yuuma Kousaka Original Color was little match for the Cruel Gundam, and was soundly defeated, leading Adou to mock him for failing to live up to his reputation. Adou's declarations would haunt Yuuma until their rematch two years later.
Picture Gallery[]
Reference Gallery[]