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The Chivvay-class High-Speed Heavy Cruiser is a heavy space cruiser class that appears in Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin and its OVA adaptation.

Technology & Characteristics[]

A vessel of the Principality of Zeon's space fleet, used to carry commander-class officers. The Chivvay-class surpasses the Musai-class light cruiser in both offensive and defensive strength. It is equipped with large triple mega particle cannons in its bow and stern, twin mega particle cannons on each side midship, and single barreled mega particle cannons on the sides near the engine. There are also numerous machine gun turrets for point defense and missile launchers mounted on the bow.

This warship is capable of high-speed movement thanks to its five large engines, and its front hangar can carry up to 12 mobile suits, with two doors facing forwards for launch. For retrieval, the ship mounts a large door aft of the bow. The class was capable of minor customization as well, with the Red Viscount used by Rear Admiral Conscon being painted red. Kycilia Zabi's Purple Widow also uses the same standard hull design, with some minor differences in design, such as a blade shaped lower bow and relocation of the ship's aft fins. The armament was changed as well, mounting only twin barreled mega particle cannons for its primary and secondary weapons.


  • Triple Mega Particle Gun
The primary weapons of the Chivvay-class is a pair of three-barrel mega particle guns. One is located in front of the bridge tower, with another on the rear of the vessel, atop the engines. These guns can rotate 360 degrees and elevate to fire on targets above or below the ship.
  • Twin Mega Particle Gun
The primary weapons of the Purple Widow refit of the Chivvay-class are a pair of two-barrel mega particle guns in place of the triple barrel mega particle guns on the standard version.
  • Mega Particle Gun
The Chivvay-class is armed with a pair of single barreled mega particle guns, mounted on the outer sides of the engine section. These cannons are capable of rotating to aim forwards, aft, above, and below the vessel. The Purple Widow omits these for another pair of secondary twin mega particle guns.
  • Twin Secondary Mega Particle Gun
The secondary weapons of the Chivvay-class are a pair of two-barrel mega particle guns of lighter output in comparison to the triple mega particle guns. Both are mounted midship on either side of the bridge tower's base, above the anti-aircraft machine guns. The Purple Widow is seen to be armed with four of these weapons, with the additional two turrets mounted in place of the mega particle guns on the outer sides of the engine section.
  • Missile Launcher
The Chivvay-class is armed with eight forward facing missile launchers equipped on the bow of the ship, with four tubes on each side. The Purple Widow is seen to be armed with six forward facing missile launchers, with three on each side of the bow.
  • Twin Anti-Aircraft Gun
The Chivvay-class is equipped with nine twin barreled anti-aircraft gun turrets, with four on either side of the Chivvay-class's midship. The last machine gun is mounted behind the bridge tower.


The Chivvay is a newly commissioned warship meant to serve as flotilla leaders alongside mainstay Musais, which were originally civilian transports converted into light cruisers. This is a direct inverse of the original Gundam 0079 lore, which portrays Chivvays as older fleet vessels and Musais as the newest cutting-edge warships. 

Several Chivvay-class heavy cruisers, painted in fleet Zeon green, participate in the Battle of Loum, though a red Chivvay-class Cruiser was known to be spotted in the fleet in the midst of combat.


Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin Mechanics

Anaheim Electronics
Mobile Weapons, Workers & Armors
RCX-76 Guncannon First Type (Rollout Unit 1)
Autonomous Republic of Munzo

Vehicles & Support Units
Type 61 Tank Model 2
Autonomous Republic of Zeon
Mobile Weapons, Workers & Armors
MS-04 Bugu | Mobile Worker MW-01 Model 01 Early Type | Mobile Worker MW-01 Model 01 Final Type | Mobile Worker MW-01 Model 01 Late Type

Vehicles & Support Units
8-Wheeled Armored Car | 8-Wheeled Armored Car | Minesweeper | RTX-65 Guntank Early Type | Self-Propelled Heavy Mortar
Black Tri-Stars
Mobile Weapons, Workers & Armors
MS-05 Zaku I | MS-06R-1A Zaku II High Mobility Type | MS-09 Dom | MS-09R Rick Dom
Earth Federation Forces
Mobile Weapons, Workers & Armors
FA-78-2 Heavy Gundam | RAG-79-G1 Gundam Marine Type | RCX-76-01A Guncannon Mobility Test Type | RCX-76-01B Guncannon Firepower Test Type | RGC-80S GM Cannon Space Assault Type | RGM-79 GM | RGM-79 GM:Close Combat Type | RGM-79HC GM Guard Custom | RGM-79KC GM Intercept Custom | RGM-79SC GM Sniper Custom | RGM-79V GM Night Seeker | RX-75 Guntank | RX-77 Guncannon | RX-78-01 Prototype Gundam | RX-78-01[FSD] Gundam FSD | RX-78-01[N] Gundam Local Type | RX-78-01[N] Gundam Local Type (North American Type) | RX-78-01[N] Gundam Local Type (Rollout Color)

Vehicles & Support Units
Columbus-class | FF-1F Hog | FF-3F Saberfish | Gunperry | Lepanto-class | Magellan-class | RTX-65 Guntank Early Type | Recon Type Saberfish "Duckbill" | Salamis-class (Origin)

Vehicles & Support Units
Barracuda | Vollhog
Iron Cavalry Squadron
Mobile Weapons, Workers & Armors
RCX-76-02 Guncannon First Type (Iron Cavalry Squadron)

Vehicles & Support Units
Jaburo Construction Office
Mobile Weapons, Workers & Armors
Mobile Worker Heavy Construction Type
Kycilia Agency
Mobile Weapons, Workers & Armors
MS-05 Zaku I
Lunar Line

Vehicles & Support Units
Principality of Zeon
Mobile Weapons, Workers & Armors
MA-04X Zakrello | MS-06C Zaku II | MS-06C-5 Zaku II Type C-5 | MS-06CK Zaku Half Cannon | MS-06D Zaku Desert Type | MS-06K Zaku Cannon | MS-06R-1A Zaku II High Mobility Type | MS-06RD-4 Zaku High Mobility Test Type | MS-06S Char's Zaku II | MS-07B Gouf | MS-11 Act Zaku/Origin | MSM-03 Gogg | MSM-04 Acguy/Origin | MSM-10 Zock | YMS-06K Zaku Cannon Test Type | YMS-07A-0 Prototype Gouf (Mobility Demonstrator) | YMS-07B-0 Prototype Gouf (Tactical Demonstrator) | YMS-08B Dom Test Type | YMS-11 Act Zaku (Kycilia's Forces)

Vehicles & Support Units
Chivvay-class | Luggun | Musai-class | Yapp
Space Defense Force
Mobile Weapons, Workers & Armors
MS-04 Bugu | MS-05 Zaku I
Space Strike Fleet
Mobile Weapons, Workers & Armors
MS-05 Zaku I | MS-06C Zaku II | MS-06C-5 Zaku II Type C-5 | MS-06S Char's Zaku II | MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type/Origin | YMS-03 Waff

Vehicles & Support Units
GG Gas Infusion Vessel
Special Assault Regiment
Mobile Weapons, Workers & Armors
MS-06C Zaku II | MS-06C-5 Zaku II Type C-5
Y-02 Development and Training Team
Mobile Weapons, Workers & Armors
MS-04 Bugu | MS-11 Act Zaku/Origin | YMS-08B Dom Test Type