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The CBS-70 Ptolemaios (aka Ptolemy) is the tactical mothership of Celestial Being in season 1 of Mobile Suit Gundam 00. The ship would later be succeeded by CBS-74 Ptolemaios 2.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

Ptolemaios is Celestial Being's (CB's) tactical mobile suit (MS) carrier. Like all CB-built units, it's reliant on GN Particles, however, it doesn't have its own GN Drive. It instead taps into a large internal particle storage tank that's periodically recharged by a Gundam's GN Drive. Because Ptolemy wasn't made to be a warship, it has no built-in weapons. While it may not be formidable in combat, it has its own defense systems and equipment to operate and survive in combat situations.

Externally, Ptolemy was built with a large rotatable peripheral docking ring. The ring itself has 4 docking ports. Each of the ports is docked with MS Containers that contains units GN-001 - GN 005. Ptolemy was designed to be compact and economic of its size, therefore the Gundams utilize only a single linear catapult (an MS launcher that uses magnets). The catapult's opening is on top of Ptolemy. Whenever a Gundam needs to sortie, the docking ring would rotate the specific Gundam on top and slide it down from the container to launch from the forward ship hatch.

Each of the MS Containers were designed with their own propulsion system, powered by GN particles. While docked, they help provide additional propulsion power and siphon GN particles from the Gundams to help recharge Ptolemy. A power connector in each of the docking bays allows Ptolemy to connect to the GN Drives within the Gundams to recharge. When all 4 Gundams are launched from the ship, the amount of energy available is severely limited. It's why at least one Gundam must periodically return or remain on standby to ensure particle reserves are optimal.

Defense-wise, Ptolemy's best defenses were its speed, stealth, and GN Field. Ptolemy was the fastest and most maneuverable ship of its time. The ship utilizes the MS Containers and two large GN Engines for propulsion and steering. Unlike the Gundams, Ptolemy wasn't built with an AMBAC system, and its own mass as a ship prevents it from being as mobile as a mobile suit.

As a benefit to the GN particles it vents throughout its hull, Ptolemy is invisible to all sensors. The particles would disrupt any nearby sensors and communications to quietly slip away from enemy detection. The only way to detect Ptolemy is through the use of wide-area sensor networks. Because the ship could only disrupt a limited area of space, a vast sensor network that was designed to notice blanks in movement patterns would clue off the enemy where Ptolemy is located. Even when intercepted, the enemy can only see Ptolemy in line-of-sight and can't get too close to Ptolemy or risk a series of electronic failures, especially communications. When forced into combat, Ptolemy can vent higher concentrations of particles to deploy its GN Field (relative to its particle reserves); however it's not an absolute defense as it can still suffer hull damage from close range enemy fire and beam attacks (relative to destructive yield). After enemy forces had figured out ways to counter the effects of GN particles, Sumeragi (commander of the ship) had Ptolemy enhanced with new offensive equipment: GN Arms and the Assault Container.

The Assault Container serve as an attack-oriented replacement of the containers normally utilized by the Ptolemy, it has various armaments such as missiles, beam guns, and its own GN Field. It also carries a GN Arms at the back and can store a Gundam like the normal containers. Additionally, it also act as a a self-contained miniature MS combat carrier capable of atmospheric re-entry and escape. Two were made and deployed during Operation Fallen Angels.

Internally, Ptolemy contains all the amenities of an advanced cruiser: a mess hall, living-quarters, conference room, observation decks, command bridge, sensors, medical bay, Veda terminal, Haros, and Karels. Due to long term missions, Ptolemy has quarters for the crew members to rest, a cafeteria for food, and a medical bay to treat injuries. For large scale debriefings, they have a large conference room to fit the entire staff with screens on all sides of the room to maximize visual displays and explanations over missions and plans. The command bridge also doubles as their CIC (Combat Information Center) for helm, system controls, and tactical advisement. Because their technology is tied closely to Veda, a terminal for their resident Innovade, Gundam Meister Tieria Erde, was installed for advanced network system applications. The ship is meant to support a large crew, but due to their lack of staff, maintenance bots like the Haros and Karels has been used to replace humans for 24/7 maintenance work. While overall an advanced ship, its lack of weaponry and its reliance on support units makes Ptolemy a vulnerable target.

Special Equipment & Features[]


First Battle[]

The HRL launched its most expensive operation in an attempt to hunt down and capture a Gundam for research. E-Sensors were placed throughout their area of space in a wide sensor network in an attempt to detect Ptolemy. The HRL knew Celestial Being's mobile units depended on GN particles for electronic interference and used this advantage against them by intentionally detecting large areas of electrical interference to find their vector. Ptolemy was discovered by HRL forces and Ptolemy used the Gundams and their GN Field for defense. Exia and Dynames defended the ship as Kyrios and Virtue/Nadleeh wiped out HRL opposition. The ship barely survived its first encounter with minor hull damage.

Operation Fallen Angels[]

After the formation of UN Forces, GN particle detection breakthroughs allowed them to hunt down Celestial Being. Ptolemy's GN particle stealth capabilities had become a liability and it couldn't effectively defend itself against the new enemy GN-X's. The maintenance drones and Haros on board the Ptolemy managed to keep the ship in working condition, but eventually their countermeasures were no longer effective.


The ship was defending itself against the United Nations Forces as Exia, Kyrios, and Nadleeh attempted to eliminate remaining opposition. With the destruction of Gundam Dynames, the crew had only two Assault Containers and GN Field for defense. Ptolemy and the Gundams held out against UN Forces effectively until the arrival of GNMA-XCVII Alvatore. The mobile armor damaged the port and starboard sides of the ship and limited the ship's movement. The ship was eventually destroyed when a GN-X managed to fly right in front of the ship and fired point blank into the bridge. The ship idled for a while and had electrical failure that resulted in a secondary explosion that incapacitated the ship.[1]

Development of Ptolemaios 2[]

It's unclear if Celestial Being managed to salvage Ptolemy and rebuild it, but hard lessons were learned from the final battle, resulting in the development of CBS-74 Ptolemaios 2. The variant was an overall improved version with it being a capable, self-reliant ship.




Illustrations & Artwork[]



Notes & Trivia[]


Television Series


External links[]

Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Season 1 Mechanics
Celestial Being
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GN-000 0 Gundam | GN-0000 00 Gundam | GN-001 Gundam Exia | GN-002 Gundam Dynames | GN-003 Gundam Kyrios | GN-004 Gundam Nadleeh | GN-005 Gundam Virtue | GNW-001 Gundam Throne Eins | GNW-002 Gundam Throne Zwei | GNW-003 Gundam Throne Drei
GN-001+GNR-001E GN Armor Type-E | GN-002+GNR-001D GN Armor Type-D

Aircraft / Spacecraft
GNR-001 GN Arms
Transporter / Supply Ship
Assault Container | Container
Cruiser / Mother Ship
CBS-70 Ptolemaios | Trinity Mothership
Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GNX-603T GN-X | MA-115HT Union Realdo Hover Tank | SVMS-01 Union Flag | SVMS-01E Graham's Union Flag Custom | SVMS-01O Over Flag | SVMS-01OP Union Flag Orbit Package | SVMS-01SG Union Flag Ground Package Shell Type | SVMS-01X Union Flag Custom II | VMS-15 Union Realdo

Landing Ship | MS Carrier | Union Cruiser
Transporter / Supply Ship
Carrier Plane | Ural-class
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Advanced European Union
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AEU-05/05 AEU Hellion Perpetuum | AEU-05G AEU Hellion Ground Type | AEU-09 AEU Enact | AEU-09T AEU Enact Commander Type | AEU-09Y812 al-Saachez's AEU Enact Custom | GNX-603T GN-X
Mobile Armor
AEU-MA07013 Agrissa Type 13

Human Reform League
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GNX-603T GN-X | MSJ-06II-A Tieren Ground Type | MSJ-06II-C Tieren High Mobility Type | MSJ-06II-C/B Tieren High Mobility Type B | MSJ-06II-C/BT Tieren High Mobility Commander Type B | MSJ-06II-E Tieren Space Type | MSJ-06II-ET Tieren Space Commander Type | MSJ-06II-LC Tieren Long-Range Cannon Type | MSJ-06II-SP Tieren Taozi
Mobile Armor
MAJ-V34 Jiachong | MAJ-V34 Jiachong Engineer Type | MAJ-V34AI Jiachong AI-Controlled Type

Land Vehicle
Military Jeep | Trailer Base
Marine Transport
Transporter / Supply Ship
Large Transport Plane
Cruiser / Mother Ship
EDI-402 Laohu
United Nations Forces
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GNMS-XCVII Alvaaron | GNX-603T GN-X | GNW-002 Gundam Throne Zwei
Mobile Armor

Cruiser / Mother Ship
PMC Trust
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AEU-05G AEU Hellion Ground Type | AEU-09Y812 al-Saachez's AEU Enact Custom
La Edenra
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AEU-05/05 AEU Hellion Perpetuum
Mobile Armor
MAJ-03 Shuichai
Kingdom of Azadistan
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MSER-04 Anf
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AEU-05OP AEU Hellion Orbit Package | MSER-04 Anf

Aircraft / Spacecraft
Colony Worker Pod
Transporter / Supply Ship
Passenger Plane

Mobile Suit Gundam 00F Mechanics
Fereshte / Celestial Being
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GN-000 0 Gundam | GN-0000 00 Gundam | GN-001 Gundam Exia | GN-002 Gundam Dynames | GN-002/DG014 Gundam Dynames Torpedo | GN-003 Gundam Kyrios | GN-004 Gundam Nadleeh | GN-005 Gundam Virtue | GNW-001 Gundam Throne Eins | GNW-002 Gundam Throne Zwei | GNW-003 Gundam Throne Drei | GNY-001F Gundam Astraea Type F | GNY-001F2 Gundam Astraea Type F2 | GNY-002F Gundam Sadalsuud Type F | GNY-003F Gundam Abulhool Type F | GNY-004 Gundam Plutone

Cruiser / Mother Ship
CBS-68 Euclides | CBS-70 Ptolemaios | Trinity Mothership
Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
SVMS-01E Graham's Union Flag Custom | SVMS-01 Union Flag | SVMS-01OP Union Flag Orbit Package | SVMS-01SG Union Flag Ground Package Shell Type

Cruiser / Mother Ship
Advanced European Union
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AEU-05/05 AEU Hellion Perpetuum | AEU-09 AEU Enact | AEU-09Y812 al-Saachez's AEU Enact Custom
Mobile Armor
AEU-MA07013 Agrissa Type 13
Human Reform League
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MSJ-06II-A Tieren Ground Type | MSJ-06II-AC Tieren Anti-Aircraft Cannon Type
Mobile Armor
MAJ-P13 Feimeng | MAJ-S08 Xiaoshou
United Nations Forces / Earth Sphere Federation / Innovators
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GN-XXXB Gundam Rasiel Black | GN-XXXB + GNR-000B Black Sefer Rasiel | GNX-603T GN-X | GNX-607T GN-XII | GNX-607T/AC GN-XII Sword | GNX-607T/BW GN-XII Cannon | GNY-001FB Gundam Astraea Type F Black | GNY-002FB Gundam Sadalsuud Type F Black | GNY-003FB Gundam Abulhool Type F Black | GNY-004B Gundam Plutone Black

Aircraft / Spacecraft
GNR-000B Black GN Sefer
PMC Trust
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AEU-09Y812 al-Saachez's AEU Enact Custom
Kingdom of Azadistan
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MSER-04 Anf
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Armor
MAJ-03 Shuichai

Gundam 00V: Battlefield Record Mechanics
Celestial Being
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
CB-002/GD Raphael Gundam Dominions | GN-0000GNHW/7SG 00 Gundam Seven Sword/G | GN-001/hs-A01 Gundam Avalanche Exia | GN-001/hs-A01D Gundam Avalanche Exia' | GN-001REIII Gundam Exia Repair III | GN-002 Gundam Dynames | GN-003/af-G02 Gundam Kyrios Gust | GN-007/AL Arios Gundam Ascalon | GN-00802 Sera | GN-010 Gundam Zabanya | GNT-0000/FS 00 Qan[T] Full Saber | GNY-001 Gundam Astraea | GNY-001F2 Gundam Astraea Type F2

Cruiser / Mother Ship
CBS-70 Ptolemaios | CBS-74 Ptolemaios 2
Earth Sphere Federation / Innovators
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
CB-001.5 1.5 Gundam | GNW-20000 Arche Gundam | GNW-20003 Arche Gundam Drei | GNX-604T Advanced GN-X | GNX-609T GN-XIII | GNX-805T/CF GN-XIV Core Fighter Loaded Type
Old Human Faction
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GNX-805T/CF GN-XIV Core Fighter Loaded Type
Mobile Armor
GNMA-Y0002V Gadelaza