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The AMX-103 Hamma Hamma is a prototype mobile suit introduced in Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ anime and was piloted by Mashymre Cello.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

Neo Zeon's intent of conquering the Earth Sphere in U.C. 0088 urged the development of several prototype units implemented with different advanced technologies. Among them was the AMX-103 Hamma Hamma, which employed a Quasi-Psycommu system. It was developed as a prototype MS for high-ranked officers with the intention of introducing Psycommu system to mass-produced MS.[1] It is built with detachable wire-guided claw hands, each armed with a 3 barreled beam gun. These wired arms can extend up to 50 meters.[1] The Hamma Hamma is capable of conducting all-range attacks within a 100-meter radius.[1] The standard weapons were limited to these remote-controlled weaponry to accommodate large portion of its reactor power to its numerous thrusters for improved mobility. To compensate, it can equip a shield with built-in power generator and various weapons.


  • Wired 3-barrel Beam Gun
A 3-barrel beam gun is mounted in each palm of the Hamma Hamma's claw-like hands. These beam guns are the suit's primary weapons and are the only weapons that draw power directly from the suit's power generator. They were designed to test the Quasi-Psycommu system and can launch from the Hamma Hamma's arms, controlled via wires that keep the beam guns powered. However, the Quasi-Psycommu system was ineffective and failed to give the Hamma Hamma the all-range attack that the designs said it would have. The 3-barrel beam guns have a power output of 3.1 MW.
  • Shield
Like most mobile suits, the Hamma Hamma could be equipped with a shield to increase it defense. However, unlike most other shields, the Hamma Hamma's shield mounted an independent power generator which was used to power several built-in weapons. It is constructed with Gundarium alloy that is 300mm thick, meaning a beam saber will have difficulty piercing through it.[1]
  • Beam Gun
One of the weapons mounted in the Hamma Hamma's shield are three fire-linked beam guns with a power rating of 1.8 MW each, which is more than enough power to obliterate the Gundarium alloy used to make the Zeta Gundam's head, but is far less effective against the armor of the MSZ-010 ΖΖ Gundam.
  • Beam Saber
The Hamma Hamma's shield serves as a recharge rack for two beam sabers that are hand carried when used and have a power rating of 0.74 MW each.
  • Space Mine Launcher
The third and final weapon mounted on the Hamma Hamma's shield is a space mine launcher that carries eight rounds.

Special Equipment & Features[]

The Quasi-Psycommu was a computer control system designed to allow non-Newtype pilots to operate wire-guided remote weapons and conduct all-range attacks in a fashion similar to Newtype-use mobile weapons equipped with a standard Psycommu system. The development of this system was a major project for Neo Zeon's war efforts. Rather than sending and receiving data via thought waves as in a true Psycommu system, the Quasi-Psycommu system continually samples the pilot's electrical brainwaves, allowing the pilot to communicate specific instructions almost instantaneously. This system permits the use of simple remote weapons like INCOMs, but even with computer support, these devices are only capable of two-dimensional movement. The system built into the Hamma Hamma would prove to be a failure, but it was later perfected and incorporated into new mass produced mobile suits.


One Hamma Hamma was known to be assigned to Mashymre Cello's Endra-class cruiser, which was tasked with recruiting new allies among the citizens of Side 1's Shangri-La colony and destroying the AEUG's sole remaining battleship, the Argama. Although Mashymre failed in his mission, the Hamma Hamma was able to inflict heavy damage onto AEUG's MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam, destroying its head. The Zeta Gundam was then piloted by an inexperienced Judau Ashta, who was also battling against AMX-104 R-Jarja at the same time. Eventually, the Hamma Hamma was forced to retreat when the more powerful MSZ-010 ΖΖ Gundam arrived to assist the Zeta Gundam. The Hamma Hamma never passed the prototype stage. However, the Quasi-Psycommu technology was later perfected and incorporated into the mass-produced AMX-014 Döven Wolf. It also served as the inspiration for The Sleeves' YAMS-132 Rozen Zulu in U.C. 0096.





Illustrations & Artwork[]



Notes and Trivia[]

  • In Gundam: The Battle Master 2, Hamma Hamma was one of the playable suits but when it was localized as the first Gundam Battle Assault game overseas, it was replaced by Wing Gundam, which was essentially a clone of another suit featured in the game, the Zeta Gundam.
  • In Gundam Battle Assault 2, Hamma Hamma can only be played by using a Gameshark cheat device. This is peculiar as the game was not adapted from the Battle Master series as the first game had been, leaving no reason for Hamma Hamma's data to exist at all. Strangely, Hamma Hamma is piloted by Domon Kasshu in the game.
  • Hamma Hamma is a playable unit in Gundam Vs Gundam Next Plus. It is the only unit in the game with an idle animation; pulling out a rose in praise to Haman (an obvious nod toward its pilot).
  • In the game Gihren's Greed, if Mashymre joins with the Glemy Faction, his Hamma Hamma will be repainted gray.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 RE/100 1/100 AMX-103 Hamma Hamma model kit instruction manual

External links[]

The Traitor to Destiny Mechanics
Keraunos/AEUG/Karaba/Anaheim Electronics
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MSA-003 Nemo | MSA-003+FXA-05D Nemo-Defenser | MSA-005 Methuss [Avey Alva use] | MSA-005K Guncannon Detector | MSA-099 Rick Dias [Delphi Squad] | MSK-003 Wagtail II | MSW-004 Full-Armor Kestrel | MSW-004 Gundam [Kestrel] | MSW-004 Gundam (Kestrel) Armor Exterior | MSW-004 Gundam (Kestrel) Maneuver Exterior | ORX-008 Gundam [Gullinbursti] | RGM-79C GM Type C | RGM-79C GM Type C [Keraunos Squad] | RGM-79C GM Type C "Wagtail" | RGC-83 GM Cannon II [Lucien Bendt use] | RGC-83 GM Cannon II [White Coral] | RMS-099 Rick Dias | RMS-106 Hizack [Epidendrum] | RMS-106 Hizack [Iris] | RMS-106 Hizack [Keraunos Squad] | RX-178 Gundam Mk-II

Aircraft / Spacecraft
Base Jabber | Dodai Kai
Supply Ship
La Vie en Rose
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Irish-class | Salamis Kai-class | Zanzibar-class
Earth Federation Forces/Titans
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MS-06E-3 Zaku Flipper | MS-06M Zaku Marine Type | ORX-003 Domingo | ORX-008 Gundam [Gullinbursti] | ORX-009 Gundam [Sköll] | RGM-79 GM | RGM-79G GM Command | RGM-79Q GM Quel | RMS-106 Hizack | RMS-108 Marasai | RMS-179 GM II | RX-106E Hi-Zack [Vanargand] | RX-110C Gabthley [Hugin] | RX-110NT-1 Gabthley [Munin]
Mobile Armor
MA-05 Bigro | NRX-044 Asshimar | NRX-044Q Asshimar [Danda-Chakra] | ORX-007 [Hati] | RX-136-1 Rakshasa
Mobile Fortress
NRX-033 Matabiri

Land Battleship
Heavy Fork-class
Aircraft / Spacecraft
FF-6 TIN Cod | Jet Core Booster | Fly Manta
Transporter / Supply Ship
H.L.V. | Medea
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Alexandria-class | Salamis Kai-class
Principality of Zeon/Delaz Fleet/Zeon Remnants/African Liberation Front
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MS-06D Desert Zaku | MS-06F Zaku II | MS-14F Gelgoog Marine | MSM-04 Acguy | MSM-07 Z'Gok | RMS-192M Zaku Mariner

Aircraft / Spacecraft
Dopp | Dodai YS | Dodai II | PVN.4/3 Wappa
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Gaw | Musai-class
Neo Zeon
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AMX-003 Gaza-C | AMX-103 Hamma Hamma | MS-14J ReGelgu | RMS-099B Schuzrum Dias

Cruiser / Mother Ship
Endra-class | Musai-class
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AMX-103 Hamma Hamma | RGM-86R GM III | RMS-106 Hizack | RMS-108 Marasai

Cruiser / Mother Ship
Salamis-class | SCV-102 Nelson

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ Mechanics
AEUG/Karaba/Earth Federation Forces
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AMX-004 Qubeley Mk-II | FA-010S Full Armor ZZ Gundam | MSA-003 Nemo | MSA-005 Methuss | MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki | MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam | MSZ-010 ΖΖ Gundam | MSZ-010S Enhanced ZZ Gundam | RGM-86R GM III | RMS-179 GM II | RX-178 Gundam Mk-II

Aircraft / Spacecraft
Dodai Kai | Flying Armor | FXA-07GB Neo Core Fighter | FXA-08R Mega Rider
Transporter / Supply Ship
HOTOL | Suit Carrier
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Argama-class | Garuda-class | Salamis Kai-class | SCVA-76 Nahel Argama
Neo Zeon/Zeon Remnants
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AMX-003 Gaza-C | AMX-004 Qubeley | AMX-004 Qubeley Mk-II | AMX-004G Qubeley Mass Production Type | AMX-006 Gaza-D | AMX-008 Ga-Zowmn | AMX-009 Dreissen | AMX-011 Zaku III | AMX-011S Zaku III Custom | AMX-014 Döven Wolf | AMX-015 Geymalk | AMX-101 Galluss-J | AMX-102 Zssa | AMX-103 Hamma Hamma | AMX-104 R-Jarja | AMX-107 Bawoo | AMX-109 Capule | AMX-117L Gazu-L | AMX-117R Gazu-R | MS-06D Desert Zaku | MS-06F Zaku II | MS-09G Dwadge | MS-09H Dwadge Custom | MS-14J ReGelgu | NZ-000 Queen Mansa | RMS-099B Schuzrum Dias | RMS-106 Hizack | RMS-108 Marasai | RMS-119 EWAC Zack | RMS-192M Zaku Mariner
Mobile Armor
AMA-01X Jamru Fin | MRX-010 Psycho Gundam Mk-II | NRX-044 Asshimar

Land Vehicle
Zaku Tanker
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Base Jabber | Geta
Transporter / Supply Ship
Camouflaged Ship
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Endra-class | Garuda-class | Gwanban-class | Sadalahn-class
African Liberation Front
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MS-06D Desert Zaku | MS-09G Dwadge | MS-14A Gelgoog | RMS-119 EWAC Zack

Land Vehicle
Zaku Tanker
Anaheim Electronics
Supply Ship
La Vie en Rose
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MS-05B Zaku I | MS-06V Zaku Tank | MS-14A Gelgoog | MSM-03 Gogg | MSM-04 Acguy | MSM-04N Agguguy | MSM-07 Z'Gok | MSM-08 Zogok | Petite Mobile Suit
Mobile Worker
Cattle | Geze | Middle Mobile Suit

Land Vehicle
Missile Car
Transporter / Supply Ship