The 1/100 High Grade G Gundam Model Series (HGGG) is a line of Gunpla kits of the Mobile Suits from the Mobile Fighter G Gundam series released in 1994. Each kit includes a parts runner that features System Injection - also known as "Iropla" (イロプラ, "color plastic"), a process that molds multiple colors into one piece.[1]
Reissues of these kits can be distinguished from their original releases by their glossy box print (as opposed to the original's matte finish) and inclusion of plastic content information on the box's side flap. The reissues also omit the "ST" mark, as model kits are generally exempted from the requirements of the Japan Toy Association's Safety Toy (ST) Standard. In addition, reissues from 2019 onwards will bear the blue Bandai Spirits logo.
HGGG # | Model | Yen Price | Release Date | Notes |
01 | GF13-017NJ Shining Gundam | ¥1,500 | 1994 April | Transforms into battle mode with parts-swapping on head. Includes transformable Core Lander. |
02 | GF13-011NC Dragon Gundam | ¥1,500 | 1994 July | |
03 | GF13-001NHII Master Gundam | ¥1,500 | 1994 August | |
04 | GF13-006NA Gundam Maxter | ¥1,500 | 1994 August | |
5 | GF13-017NJII G Gundam | ¥1,500 | 1994 October | Renamed "Burning Gundam" in U.S. release. Includes clear orange "God Finger" hands and chest hatch in open position to display the Internal Power Regulator. |
6 | JMF1336R Rising Gundam | ¥1,500 | 1994 December | Parts and color variant of HGGG-01. |
Yen price excluding 5% tax (8% from 2014 to 2019; 10% from 2019 October onwards).
See also[]
- 1/60 Gundam Model Series
- 1/144 G Gundam Model Series
- High Grade Universal Century
- Master Grade
- Hi-Resolution Model